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Acupuncture Care

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine have been used for thousands of years to support digestive, hormone, reproductive, conception & pregnancy care by balancing the mind, body & spirit connection.

Perhaps your IVF specialist suggested using Acupuncture when you do your transfer, or your friend has used Chinese medicine to balance their hormones. You are in the right place if you are seeking assistance with your hormone, conception, reproductive health or pregnancy journey?

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine is a complete and comprehensive medicine model that dates back 3000 years. This medicine model comprises of Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Diet & Lifestyle therapy, Body work including cupping and gua sha. One of the primary focuses is to goal is to identify and treat the underlying engage the rest and reset action of the parasympathetic nervous system to facilitate the bodies optimal health state.

Our Acupuncturist support clients by creating detailed and clear wellness plans based individual needs.

Acupuncture is the placement of fine needles in specific acupuncture points to restore balance in the body. Chinese Medicine differential diagnosis is the backbone of the prescription of Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Moxibustion, Cupping, Diet and lifestyle advisement.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine s part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can assist with a range of conditions such as: Women’s Health, Preconception & Conception Care, IVF Support, Pregnancy, Labour Preparation & Post Partum, Natural Female & Male Reproductive Care, Hormone & Functional Pathology, Menstrual Disorders, Natural Dermatology, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Digestive Disorders and Paediatric Care.

Used for thousands of years as the main health care system in the East, Traditional Chinese Medicine encompasses Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Cupping, Moxibustion and Diet therapy.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can understand states of health and disease by the observation of the body’s signs and symptoms. At the core of its philosophy, is the understanding of ‘Qi’, energy. Health comes from the balance of Qi and may become disrupted by factors such as our emotions, stress and, diet making it effective for stress management and hormonal balance.


Initial Acupuncture Treatment & Chinese Herbal Medicine Consultation

60min | $150

Follow Up Treatment | 45min | $90

Other Consultations include:

Cosmetic Acupuncture, Gua Sha Facials, Skin & Beauty treatments and Cupping.

all prices available here.

Our clinic has facilities for Private Health Fund claiming.