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A Naturopaths perspective on PMS

A Naturopaths perspective on PMS

A Naturopaths perspective on PMS PMS (also known as pre-menstrual syndrome) is a collective of symptoms that occurs towards the end of your cycle leading up to your period – which is also known as the luteal phase. PMS is considered common; however, it should not be...
The beauty of Cosmetic Acupuncture

The beauty of Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture may sound like a new phase of beauty though interestingly enough, it is steeped deep within the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The origins of cosmetic acupuncture were inspired by the desires of Chinese Emperors to...
IVF & Fertility Nutrition

IVF & Fertility Nutrition

Hello and Welcome to my latest blog! My name is Jen, I’m the Accredited Practising Dietitian here at DCNMC! Today we are talking about how to optimise your IVF + Fertility journey through diet, food and nutrition. Trigger warning: There is a small discussion on...