There is this unspoken ideal in our society that getting pregnant “comes naturally” to everyone. For those of us who have struggled with the grief and loss of a miscarriage(s) or had to face a monthly period as yet another sign of not conceiving, there is seemingly nothing “natural” about becoming pregnant.
As an experienced shiatsu practitioner working at the earthy, nurturing space of the Diamond Creek Natural Medicine Centre, I am offering specialised support for your fertility and pregnancy needs. Women’s fertility is a main focus of the clinic and we are all passionate about helping clients on their journey. For women who would like support with conceiving, holding on to a pregnancy or in general with their pregnancy, I offer specialised 1 hour shiatsu treatments. The focus of these shiatsu sessions will be to assist clients to establish calm, clear intentions and belief in and connection to their bodies – all in preparation for conception, pregnancy and the birth of a child.
Each client will be seen and heard and the session(s) will be focused to support individual needs. Shiatsu massage, reiki, visualisation, self-love, connecting with the womb, holding the space for the growth and development of a baby, mindfulness and meditation are a few of the tools which may be used to assist.
During my own conception and pregnancy challenges, I began to make changes to reducing the stress levels in my life. This started with setting some time aside for ME each day – to breathe, to slow down, to really connect with my body and to learn to trust it with every fibre of my being. I eventually did conceive, hold on to full term and birth amazingly beautiful and cherished children of my own.
I look forward to supporting you on your own unique journey to parenthood.
For more information on this service please book a 15 minute complimentary consult (phone or video call) with Ann Hocking
ph: 03) 94381368